Friday, April 19, 2013

HOW TO: Flash VANIR (v4.2.2.1 [JB 4.2.2][3/19])

I am not TeamVanir.  I just flashed it for your preview.

Fast Forward to 1:29 for Preview

Don't have a computer but have Internet and want to flash a new ROM?  No problem, this video shows you how that is possible!

Disclaimer: Flashing your Android device is DANGEROUS!  You will proceed this at your own RISK.  I am not RESPONSIBLE if you brick your phone.  You flashed it, you have to know the risk, if you bricked your phone, it is your fault and yours alone.  I simply provide a video preview and the description of the proper links and some instructions on how to flash this specific ROM.

Give THANKS at their XDA post.  It's worth flashing.


How to Install VANIR
First time, be gentle:
1. Make sure that you are on the JB Bootloader
2. If coming from any other ROM, do a factory reset and wipe /system
3. Proceed with "been around the block instructions"

Been around the block:
1, wipe dalvik and cache
2. Flash ROM
3. Flash Gapps
4. Reboot


Download: (Nightlies)

Super fast, lean, and optimized
Rooted & Busybox
SuperSU - Chainfire
PopcornKernel v12
Init.d/build.prop/cron/sysctl Tweaks
Beats 5.1 - Not your mother's beats!
CM T9 Dialer
Extended Reboot Menu (with Safe Mode)
Tethering enabled
Optimized images + zip aligned + cleaned up scripts
AOKP QuickSettings
AOKP NavBar (including IME keys)
Modified Deskclock with increasing volume from CM
CM Lockscreen mods
CM GNexusParts (color changing interface)
Safe Headset Volume
Volume Rocker Wake/Volume Rocker Music Controls
Statusbar clock customization (bastardized version of CM's)
Statusbar signal text
Deskclock flip actions + increasing volume

Most of our settings are tucked inside Display or Sound settings! Also, note the performance and advanced sections.

Vanir config files - type vanir in terminal emulator for a usage guide

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